Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Dream Deferred-Hughes-SimilesandMetaphors-3

Without question, Similes and metaphors are an essential factor in Langston Hughes Dream Deferred.  In reality, most of the poem itself is a simile or is connected to one.  Every description of what happens to a deferred dream is followed up by something that a normal person can relate to. " a raison in the sun?"(Langston Hughes)  However, as the questions at the end state, there is a single metaphor in the peom.  The last part of the poem, "Or does it explode?"(Hughes), is the metaphor.  Explosions are things that occure which result in destruction.  Hughes is implying that the dreams that are deferred are dreams that are forever destroyed. The fact that he italicizes it indicates that we want that phrase to be crucial.  Also, the section is seperated from the rest and has its own line.  This shows that Hughes wants that to be an essential part in the poem.  He allows us to have our own interpretation of the material through the other similes, but he mainly wants us to think of a deferred dream as something destroyed.

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