Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Mr. Z-Holman-4

Mr. Z by Carl Holman was a difficult poem to analyze based on some key characteristics of it.  The obscurity that he had in his voice made the text clear, but the meaning of that text somewhat obscurred it.  One part of the poem that really confused me was the mention of his flaw.  "Not one false note was struck-until he died."(Holman) I was confused as to why the fact that he died may have struck a note.  I have the thought that it could be that he struck the note that he may have let others down around him for his example of how to assimilate into a new society. Other individuals may have been looking for guidance on how to mix into the other half of society and had no other guide but Mr. Z. Also, I feel that the Title of the poem itself may have given a precurser to what the poem was about.  "Z" is an obscure letter, not always used in normal speaking and writing.  It is hardly ever the main letter and is not focused on.  I feel that this fact may be pointing to how this Mr. Z wanted to be in society.  He did not want to stand out based on his skin. Rather, he wanted to blend in to the other half of society. 

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